Phyllidiella cf. annulata from SE Sulawesi (2)
June 30, 2002
From: Lindsay Warren

Dear Bill,
Following my earlier message about your Phyllidiella cf. annulata from Christmas Island, here are photos of a second problematic animal from the Tukang Besi Archipelago, SE Sulawesi, Indonesia which we gave the temporary name of Phyllidiella OWN227.
Data: Specimen OS0976, 9 August 2000 on Pulau Hoga. Size: 17mm.
I have attached views of top, underside and head. The pink pigmentation is much paler and the central notal rings less defined and has other features as per John Hick's Christmas Island specimen. Although it doesn't show up in the photos, I noted that there was a black central line along the top of the posterior part of the foot. In the photo showing the anterior underside one can see white speckles on the hyponotum - these are chemicals being released. However the white marks on the oral tentacles are part of the pigmentation. The rhinophores are pink at the base while the lamellae are black.
Photos: Lindsay Warren.
All the best
Dear Lindsay,
See my comment in your earlier message.
Bill Rudman
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