Hypselodoris bennetti from nthn New South Wales
June 27, 2002
From: David Wachenfeld

Hi Bill
Many thanks for your recent help in identifying a photo of Chromodoris splendida that I took at Julian Rocks [nthn New South Wales, Australia] in December. The attached photo was taken at the same time. I'd be very grateful if you could provide an id. Can you recommend any good field guides for nudi's in this area? I have a number of invertebrate field guides, including the Helmut Debelius book on nudibranchs and sea snails, but I haven't been able to find a match for this species. If you can recommend a good book, I might not have to bother you again!!
Thanks again.
Wachenfeld, D., 2002 (Jun 27) Hypselodoris bennetti from nthn New South Wales. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/7363Dear David,
Don't feel as though asking questions is a bother. Your earlier message with the photo of the 'one-spot' form of C. splendida on its food sponge is a good example of why I welcome questions and photos, even of things that are relatively common. Your photo was one of the few recorde we have of that form of C. splendida feeding so is a valuable piece of information. I would rather I was sent ten 'boring' identifications than lose an important piece if information like that.
Your animal is Hypselodoris bennetti. It is quite common in eastern Australia, restricted mainly to the New South Wales coast, although there are occasional finds in Victoria and southern Queensland. Concerning books, have a look at the Book List for information on most available books on Sea Slugs.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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