Pseudobornella orientalis from the Japan Sea
July 15, 2002
From: Shigeru Hayashi

Dear Bill,
Here is a record of the uncommon Pseudobornella orientalis in the Japan Sea. The body color of this specimen was semi transparent. The Japanese name is based on the shape of the rhinophoral sheath and its long slender tentacle with trailing thread (Itohiki-umiushi).
Collection data: 2 March 2002, Uozu Toyama Bay, 20mm long alive, Water temperature 11.4deg C. Photo: H. Hagiwara - courtesy of the Takaoka Biological Club, Japan.
Best wishes.
Shigeru Hayashi
Hayashi, S., 2002 (Jul 15) Pseudobornella orientalis from the Japan Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Shigeru,
Considering how uncommon animal this animal apparently is, we are indeed fortunate to have such a lot of excellent photos of it on the Forum. I am fascinating by the long slender trailing 'streamers' that you mention. From your photos they obviously drift in the current, much like a flag in the wind. It would be interesting to know if they have a function.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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