Carminodoris armata? from South Korea
October 24, 2002
From: Dong Bum, Koh

Dear Bill,
Thanks a lot for your earlier advice. Are the animals in the attached photos related to Dendrodoris carbunculosa perhaps?
Upper: Northern coast of Che Ju island. Sth Korea. 16 m depth. at night diving. Sept. 1997
Lower: Mun islet. Che Ju island. Sth Korea. 8 m depth. Oct. 2001
PHOTOS: Dong Bum, Koh
Best wishes,
Dong Bum, Koh
Koh, D.B., 2002 (Oct 24) Carminodoris armata? from South Korea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Dong Bum,
The tuberculate mantle certainly has similarities to some species of Dendrodoris, but the tubercles around the edge of the rhinophore pocket make me think this is probably not a dendrodorid. There are a number of 'warty' dorids like this from parts of the Indo-West Pacific, and it is rather difficult to separate them without a look at their internal anatomy. Dr Baba (1993) described a species, Carminodoris armata, which from the written description looks much like your animal. However I have never seen a photo of this animal alive so my knowledge of it is very limited. If someone has a photo of Japanese specimens of this species they would be a welcome addition to the Forum.
• Baba, K. (1993): Two new species of Carminodoris (Nudibranchia: Dorididae) from Japan. Venus, The Japanese Journal of Malacology, 52(3): 223-234. (Figs 1-10, Pl.1.)
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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