Doto cf. pita from Japan
August 7, 2002
From: Nishina Masayoshi

Dear Bill,
I agree with your identification of Doto cf. pita. I have attached photos of my Doto cf. pita from Echizen coast Japan. Generally this Doto is said to live in or on hydroid Sertularella but my wife found the animal in bushy place covered with short red, green, brown algae. I am not sure where they lives.
Date:7 May 2002
Loc: Echizen coast, Fukui prif. Japan
Lengh: 5mm
Depth: 4m
Water temp: 20C degree
Photo C. Nishina taken at original place.
Best Regards,
Nishina Masayoshi
Masayoshi, N., 2002 (Aug 7) Doto cf. pita from Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Nishina,
Sometimes it is easy to see what hydroid colony an aeolid is living and feeding on, but some species of hydroids don't form neat 'bushy' colonies, and sometimes species which normally form neat 'bushy' colonies, sometimes have a disorganised rambling network of stalks and stolons which become tangled up with plants and other colonial animals, including sponges. When that happens it is almost impossible to be sure just what the aeolid is eating.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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