Mimicry topic continued
April 15, 1999
From: Michael D. Miller

Dear Bill,
Here is a pic of a Flatworm (Pseudoceros bajae)that should have been included with the pics of Navanax inermis and Hypselodoris ghiselini previously posted. As it turns out, this same uncanny correlation between the three subjects was earlier noted in a publication by Terry Gosliner and
Dave Behrens entitled "Adaptive Coloration in Invertebrates" presented at College Station, Texas in 1989.
All three were encountered on one dive at Punta La Gringa, Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja California during the February field trip.
Truly amazing!
Mike Miller
Miller, M.D., 1999 (Apr 15) Mimicry topic continued. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/776Thanks Mike.
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