Hallaxa? from Kerama Islands
April 20, 1999
From: Rie Nakano

Dear Bill,
Here is another of Mr Atsushi Ono's images from Kerama Island, near Okinawa which you offered to identify for us.
Mr.Bob Bolland and Mr.Ono think it is Hallaxa indecora, but Mr.Cory Pittman said the genus Hallaxa contains typical cryptobranch dorids while the animal in the photo looks more like a juvenile
phanerobranch dorid (of uncertain identity).
Rie Nakano
Nakano, R., 1999 (Apr 20) Hallaxa? from Kerama Islands. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/782It is a bit hard to be sure, but it could be Hallaxa indecora, the tightly arranged gills being quite characteristic of Hallaxa.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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