Phyllodesmium from the Marshall Islands
September 11, 2002
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
Here is another Phyllodesmium for the list. In color, it is very close to the Marshall Islands Phyllodesmium magnum (sent separately), but has much less inflated cerata. This specimen, the only one I've seen like this, measured about 18mm in length and was photographed at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands in June, 1983. Its color pattern is also reminiscent of both Phyllodesmium macphersonae and Phyllodesmium sp. 6 on the Forum, but not quite similar enough for me to think it's the same as either.
By the way, while comparing my pics to images on the Forum, I found I could not get into Phyllodesmium sp. 7. Perhaps the link is broken.
Johnson, S., 2002 (Sep 11) Phyllodesmium from the Marshall Islands. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Scott,
I can only agree with your suggestion. It has similarities and differences to a number of species. For want of a more exciting alternative I'll call it Phyllodesmium sp. 8.
Thanks for drawing my attention to the link to Phyllodesmium sp. 7. I can't blame it on technology - it was entirely my fault. I was trying to get some consistency into filenames and failed in this case. If anyone has a private link to that page I have chaged the filename. If anyone finds links that don't work please let me know. We run checks regularly but sometimes they escape us.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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