Halgerda batangas from Indonesia
September 19, 2002
From: Sabine Noack

Dear Bill,
The photos in this Forum helped me to identify this little beauty as Halgerda batangas. It was sitting on a orange sponge (?) and didn't move. Maybe it was feeding ?
Length: ~4cm
Depth: ~13m
Location: Pulau Pisan, Horseshoe Bay, Rinca, Indonesia
Date/Time: 29. Sept. 2001, around 15:00
Noack, S., 2002 (Sep 19) Halgerda batangas from Indonesia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/7919Thanks Sabine,
It could be very well be feeding on the sponge. We know so little about what these animals feed on that any information is useful. If you suspect and animal is feeding on a sponge or simiar colony one fairly unobtrusive way of checking is to gently lift the head end and see if there is a fleshy 'tube' connecting the slug to the sponge. Most species feed by everting a proboscis or oral tube so the mouth parts can get to the sponge. Jun Imamoto's recent series of photos showing Hypselodoris festiva feeding will give you an idea what to look out for.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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