Recent news on Flabellina rubrolineata from Turkey
October 7, 2002
From: Baki Yokes

Dear Bill,
Here are some new photos of Flabellina rubrolineata from Turkey, to accompany my earlier report. As the photos posted to the Forum from different parts of the world indicate that there are many colour variations within this species. But all the specimens I have seen were identical to each other, without any difference. They are feeding on Eudendrium and Halocordyle sp. of hydroids which are very common in the Mediterranean. It became one the most common species around southwestern coast of Turkey. I hope that its agressive expansion will not effect the other local nudibranchs feeding on the same kind of hydroids.
Upper Image: Antalya, Turkey, September 1, 2002. Divesite: Uc Adalar, Depth: 8m, Size: 4cm. Lower Image: Antalya, Turkey. September 2, 2002. Divesite: Tatlisu koyu, Depth: 12m, Size: 3,5cm. Spawning on a hydroid colony
Photos: Baki Yokes
Best wishes
Yokes, B., 2002 (Oct 7) Recent news on Flabellina rubrolineata from Turkey. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Baki,
Bill Rudman
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