Halgerda terramtuentis from Fiji?
November 28, 2002
From: Bradley Wm. Bowen

This nudibranch was observed in Fiji in December 2001. The topography was a coral reef with little sand. We were only 80 feet from shore and there was strong surge of around 4-5 feet, that increase to 8-10 feet as you approached the shore. Depth was roughly 55 feet. Nudibranch was on a large coral bolder on the margin of deep water.
Please respond and provide any information possible.
Bradley Wm. Bowen
Bowen, B., 2002 (Nov 28) Halgerda terramtuentis from Fiji?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/8482Correction: This animal was actually photographed May 14, 2002 at a dive site on the Kona Hawaii Coast named "Stoney Plateaus". See Bradley's message.
Dear Bradley,
I should have got Scott Johnson to answer this as well as your earlier message, as this slug is
Halgerda terramtuentis, which was named by Scott and Hans Bertsch. Up until now it was known only from the Hawaiian Islands. Is there any possibility the locality on your photo may have got mixed up, as Fiji is quite a range extension for this species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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