Possible Glossodoris
March 28, 1998
From: Lindsay Warren & Kevin Reed

Dear Bill
For the past two years we have taken part in Operation Wallacea based on Pulau Hoga part of the Tukangbesi archipelago, SE Sulawesi, Indonesia. Most of the work has revolved around habitat mapping as well as swim surveys of chaetodons and commercial fish. Last September, due to technical problems a fair part of our four weeks were based on Hoga and since it had been well surveyed on the other two aspects, we were able to turn our attention to other species. During our four week stay, some of the dives were directed towards nudibranchs and we photographed at least 60 different species. Unfortunately some of these we have not been able to identify. Bernard Picton who was out there with us suggested that we email these to you.
I have attached one for the moment - a possible glossodoris to see if this format is sufficient. Unfortunately this shot (all prints) was not the sharpest one would want but I thought you might be able to shed some light on it. If this format is ok, I will email the others to you for your comments. Eventually I hope to get a negative scanner to improve quality.
I think your forum is a brilliant idea and look forward to checking it out on a regular basis now that I know of its existence.
Many thanks for your help
All the best
Lindsay Warren & Kevin Reed
Warren, L. & K. Reed, 1998 (Mar 28) Possible Glossodoris. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/87It certainly looks like a species of Glossodoris with the mantle tucked in at each side to form a "waist". However there are species of Noumea and Thorunna that do that as well. I think your animal is Noumea crocea, one of a group of yellow chromodorids I reviewed in 1986 (see pub. 46 in my publications list). To be absolutely sure you would need to look at the reproductive system and the radula.. Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B., 1998 (Mar 28). Comment on Possible Glossodoris by Lindsay Warren & Kevin Reed. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/87Related messages
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Re: Possible Glossodoris
From: Lindsay Warren, March 30, 1998