Re: Peltodoris marmorata from Chile

December 31, 2002
From: Michael Schroedl

Dear Bill,
Marcelo's photo is Anisodoris marmorata which is a junior synonym of Doris variolata D'Orbigny, 1837. Its generic placement is problematic. I still think that at least the smaller tubercles are caryophyllidiid ones (Marcus, 1959; Schrödl, 1996) and I would place it into Diaulula. I did SEM's some years ago but I cannot find them at the moment, so I'm going to do some new ones.
I'll tell you about the results.
All the best, and happy New Year

Schroedl, M. , 2002 (Dec 31) Re: Peltodoris marmorata from Chile. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Michael,
It will be interesting to hear of your findings.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

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