Cephalaspidean? from Turkey
January 6, 2003
From: Erwin Koehler

Dear Bill,
First, A happy new year 2003!
Attached are 2 shots from Turkey by Dr Nazmi Kural [nazmikurall@e-kolay.net]
Size: 0.5cm
Depth: 15m.
Place: Çeþme, Ýzmir, Turkey
Date: 24 September 2002
I have never seen anything like this, not alive nor in any book or paper. I think it might be a Cephalaspidean - do you know a name for it?
Koehler, E., 2003 (Jan 6) Cephalaspidean? from Turkey. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/8770Dear Erwin & Nazmi,
The lower photo makes it look like a strange gastropterid, but when I saw it, it reminded me of a Haminoea that Tom Thompson described, with Heller, some years ago from the Sudan. Sure enough when I looked up the paper, it matches their description of Haminoea cyanomarginata perfectly - as far as external features are concerned. This then seems to be another interesting find from Turkey. As I discuss on the species Fact Sheet, this is probably another example of a Lessepsian migrant, a species from the Red Sea which has reaches the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal. However since it has only been reported once from the Red Sea, and Baki Yokes, in an accompanying message, says that this is quite common in Turkish waters, we have to consider just which way the migration has taken place - in or out of the Mediterranean.
Thanks for another exciting find,
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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