Chromodoris colemani from Western Australia
May 30, 1999
From: Clay Bryce

Have you had a chance to look at the other images I sent you with the last batch? No rush but thought I would remind you - especially the Chromodoris cf colmani from Dampier Archipelago (Pilbra region of W. Australia)- would like to finish this one for the report.
Clay Bryce
Dear Clay,
I'm pretty sure this is a colour variant of C. colemani. It has parts of the 5 black lines and the interspersed orange-brown lines. I am still not sure whether the animal I have on a separate page as Chromodoris cf. colemani is the same.
By the way the spelling in 'colemani' with an 'e'. It is named after Neville Coleman not Phil Colman.
Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B., 1999 (May 30). Comment on Chromodoris colemani from Western Australia by Clay Bryce. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Chromodoris colemani from Sunshine Coast, Queensland
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Chromodoris colemani & C. striatella
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Chromodoris colemani in the Marshall Is
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Chromodoris colemani from Philippines
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Chromodoris colemani
From: Bill Rudman, September 10, 1998