Are these Tritoniopsis elegans eggs?
January 25, 2003
From: Onel

I posted a question on 'About Saltwater Aquariums' and this site was recommended as possibly being able to help. Following is the original post:
"I purchased a Sinularia or Cladiella coral about two weeks ago. It's looked fine for the first few days but then started closing up. I changed it's position in the tank a few times but noticed yesterday that it was getting smaller and portions appeared to be deteriorating. Well, upon closer inspection I saw something eating away at the coral which looks like some sort of slug (I've seen them once before eating my Colt coral). I pulled out the rock to remove the slug and found a total of SIX, just eating away (coral is about 1/3 to 1/2 of it's original size). The slug withish/cream and is very well camouflaged with coral-mimicking tentacles".
I was searching through your Species List and believe that it's Tritoniopsis elegans (By the way, great wealth of information & pics on your site!!).
Anyhow, now I'm worried they may have laid eggs. On the bottom-side of the rock where the Cladiella is anchored, I see two strands hanging with what appears to be many little polyps / tenacles. At first, I thought it was some sort of coral but based on some of the information in your site for Tritoniopsis elegans, I'm afraid it could be eggs. I'm attaching a few pictures - could you please confirm if they are eggs so I can remove promptly??
Dear Onel
Yes your animal is Tritoniopsis elegans and the other things do look a bit like its eggs. They are deposited in a jelly string like this with little white eggs. Marc Daniel' s recent message has a photo showing an egg mass. Although you can't see the spira arrangementof the whole egg ribbon you can see the typical zigzag folding of the ribbon.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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