Polycera capensis from Cape Town
January 31, 2003
From: Rudolph van Jaarsveld

I took this photo early in January 2003 in False Bay, South Africa. It was taken just outside the harbour wall of Simons Town at a depth of about 15 meters. I believe it is called a 'Crowned Nudibranch'. The photo was taken with a Nikonos V, 80mm Nikkor lens with Nikon close-up lens and framer. A single Sea & Sea YS50 strobe was used on manual.
I want to know more about this specific animal.
Rudolph van Jaarsveld
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Jaarsveld, R., 2003 (Jan 31) Polycera capensis from Cape Town. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/9101Dear Rudolph,
Thanks for this photo, which arrived at a very opportune time, as I am also posting a message from Valda Fraser with a photo of a similar, but perhaps different species. I didn't know it was called the 'Crowned Nudibranch' in South Africa. Its scientific name is Polycera capensis and was named after the Cape of Good Hope, where it was first found. Like all species of Polycera it feeds on bryozoans - minute animals, which grow as plant-like colonies - of the genus Bugula. In Terry Gosliner's book he records this species in southern Africa from the Luderitz in Namibia to Port Alfred, in South Africa. It is also not uncommon in south eastern Australia, and we assume it reached Australia by travelling on its food bryozoan, which often attaches to the hulls of boats.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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