Re: Janolus from Senegal

May 3, 2003
From: Richard Willan

Dear Bill,
The Janolus from Senegal is J. praeclarus (Bouchet, 1975: pp 127-130, pl.1, fig.3, text fig. 5.). The original specimens were found on the bryozoan Bugula fulva at 22 metres depth, off Snake Island, which is close to Dakkar.

• Bouchet, P. (1975) Nudibranches nouveaux des cotes du Senegal. Vie et Milieu, 25(1): 119-132

Richard Willan

Willan, R., 2003 (May 3) Re: Janolus from Senegal. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Richard,
The ceratal colour pattern seems very distinctive.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman


Janolus praeclarus

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