Nembrotha spp?
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Polyceridae
Subfamily: Nembrothinae
UPPER: Negros Is, Philippines. Size: smaller than 1 cm, depth 9m.
LOWER LEFT: Negros Is, Philippines, dive site called "Dauin", size 15mm, depth 7m, nightdive.
LOWER RIGHT: Negros Is, Philippines, dive site called "Sara's Place", size 4 cm, depth 14 m.
PHOTOS: Erwin Koehler.
These three animals were photographed by Erwin Koehler, at Negros Is, Philippines, Oct-Nov 1998. I am not sure if they are all the same species. They all have similarities to two species, Nembrotha? rubroocellata and Nembrotha rubropapulosa described by Bergh (1905) in the report of the Siboga Expedition, but both those names almots certainly refer to Roboastra gracilis. Further photos accompany Erwin's messages below. Any ideas welcome.
Some messages on this page identified as Nembrotha guttata and moved to that page ... July 2001.
Rudman, W.B., 1999 (January 5) Nembrotha spp? [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/nembsp3
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