Rostanga australis
- Anatomy
Egg masses are deposited on the sponge food. The pinkish-orange eggs are very small and closely packed in a thin transparent ribbon arranged in a spiral of approximately three coils. The free edge of the ribbon is distinctly crenulate. The size of the eggs and type of egg ribbon are typical of planktotrophic larval development. [The animal alongside the egg ribbon is a juvenile]. Portsea Pier, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria; 3 m, 6 March 1986. AM C149545. Photo: Bill Rudman.
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Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 2002 (February 4) Rostanga australis - Anatomy. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/rostaustanat