Elysia furvacauda
Burn, 1958
Superfamily: ELYSIOIDEA
Family: Elysiidae
Known only from southeastern Australia
Indented Heads, 2 metres, Victoria, Australia, Port Phillip Bay, 24 June 20006, shallow reef. Length: 15 mm. Photographer: Trevor McMurrich.
Described from a single specimen from Victoria, Australia, no photograph of the living animal has been available until now so it has not been possible to clearly define the species. A similar 'species' from New South Wales, Australia has been shown to change colour considerably during its life cycle, as it changes algal food [see Elysia cf. furvacauda] further compounding the identity of Elysia furvacauda.
The attached photo matches the original description in most regards. It differs in having milky yellow patches along the mantle edge rather than the white in Burn's description which is copied below:
"Typical Elysia. Body limaciform. up to 19 mm. in length; parapodia narrow, extending along cither side of body for more than three-quarters of total length. When closed together, the parapodia form two distinct holes along the mid-dorsal line; the anterior hole is nearly the width of the body in diameter, while the other is much smaller; rhinophores large, auriculate slightly involute. Anus emerges a little to the right of the median-line on the anterior edge of the pericardium, which is medianly placed just behind the anterior edges of the parapodia. Body colouring is dark red-brown, outer sides of parapodia speckled with numerous small pale blue spots.The parapodia margins, when together, form a blue mid-dorsal line outlined on either side by a line of interrupted white. Margins of holes plain white; upper anterior portion of each parapodia greyish-blue. Slender neck, pale pinkish-brown; base of the rhinophores and the neck spotted with white dots. Rhinophores and tail tipped with black.
Locality: Torquay (1 spec., Sept. 1957).
Station: Unique, under stone at mid tide.
Remarks: While under observation this specimen showed certain colour changes over a period of 24 hours. The colours noted above were those when first collected. After 24 hours the body-colour was dull brown, with many more larger blue spots on the sides than previously; the anterior blue patch had become very intense. Unfortunately, after two days the specimen died, and when placed in spirits became pale pink, still with black tips, hut with no trace of blue..... "
Note: There are a number of NW Pacific species with similar colouration. See Kathe Jensen's message #4796 discussing E. japonica and E. flavomacula, and Nishina Masayoshi's photos of colour variability [#6704].
Burn, R.F. (1958) Further Victorian Opisthobranchia. Journal of the malacological Society of Australia, 2: 20-36. (pls. 6-7)
Rudman, W.B., 2006 (July 15) Elysia furvacauda Burn, 1958. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/elysfurv
Related messages
Another Elysia furvacauda from S.E.Australia
July 19, 2006
From: John Chuk

Dear Bill,
The recent message from Trevor McMurrich [#17114] has inspired me to send images of a specimen of Elysia furvacauda found in Port Campbell Harbour, Victoria, Australia on 3 March 2006. One is an in situ image and the other two are of the collected specimen.
The animal was found actively crawling over algae on a rocky reef at a depth of 3 m. The specimen measured 10mm in length when extended in motion.
Locality: Port Campbell Harbour, 3 m, Victoria, Australia, Southern Ocean, 3 March 2006, rocky reef. Length: 10 mm. Photographer: John Chuk.
This specimen is a fairly close match to Bob Burn's description of the species (Burn 1958). The specimen was observed for about 5 hours and, over that period, the blue patches faded somewhat. Bob Burn reports changes in the blue patches after 24 hours but his observations were of an increased number and size of blue spots, and an intensification of the colour of an anterior blue spot.
This was the first, and only, specimen of the species I've ever found.
Burn, R. (1958) Further Victorian Opisthobranchia, Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia, 1(2): 20-36
Best wishes,
Dear John,
It's very exciting to get another record of this species so quickly.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Rediscovery of Elysia furvacauda from SE Australia
July 17, 2006
From: Trevor McMurrich

Hi Bill,
I can't find this nudi in my resource book. The closest species I could find is Elysia. I would appreciate it if you could identify it for me.
Locality: Indented Heads, 2 metres, Victoria, Australia, Port Phillip Bay, 24-06-06, shallow reef. Length: 15 mm. Photographer: Trevor McMurrich.
Thank you,
McMurrich, T.B., 2006 (Jul 17) Rediscovery of Elysia furvacauda from SE Australia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/17114
Dear Trevor,
This is to me a very welcome find. It fits Bob Burn's description of Elysia furvacauda almost perfectly. As you will see from the correspondence under Elysia cf. furvacauda, I have been trying to find a photo, or a specimen of an animal matching Burn's description of E. furvacauda for 20 years. What we needed to know was whether animals we find in New South Wales, which almost match Bob's description, are the same or different. At least we can now compare the colour pattern of the two.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman