Elysia sp. 10
Superfamily: ELYSIOIDEA
Family: Elysiidae
Pulau Hoga, Tukang Besi Archipelago, SE Sulawesi, Indonesia. Size: 3mm. Photos: Lindsay Warren.
measuring 4 mm
See message below.
See two other species with similar large bimodal parapodial lobes: Elysia sp. 3 and Elysia sp. 9.
Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 2000 (July 19) Elysia sp. 10 [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/elyssp10
Related messages
Re: Elysia sp. 10
June 26, 2001
From: Lindsay Warren
Dear Bill
On checking through various postings on the Forum I came across Kathe Jensen's comment about Elysia sp. 10 possibly being Elysia mercieri. I have checked the various references and descriptions she suggested. In Elysia sp. 10 there are no branching processes between the parapodia as per E. mercieri so I think it still has to remain sp. for the time being.
All the best
Warren, L., 2001 (Jun 26) Re: Elysia sp. 10. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/4513Dear Lindsay,
Having seen specimens of E. mercieri last year in Lifou, I agree that it is distinct from Elysia sp. 10. The branching processes in E. mercieri however are on the parapodia rather than between them. When I get a chance I'll post a photo on the Forum.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Re: Elysia from Sulawesi
August 26, 2000
From: Kathe R. Jensen
Dear Lindsay and Bill,
This species looks somewhat like the one identified as Elysia mercieri by Carlson & Hoff (1978). In particular the long, warty rhinophores are similar. This species was originally described as Elysiobranchus mercieri by Pruvot-Fol in 1930. Are the papillae along the parapodial "chimneys" branched? This would be a further indication of its identity.
• Carlson, C.H. & Hoff, P.J. (1978) The identifiable Elysia from Guam (Elysiidae, Sacoglossa, Opisthobranchia). Micronesica, 14: 89-113.
• Pruvot-Fol, A. 1930. Diagnoses provisoires (incompletes) des especes nouvelles et liste provisoires des Mollusques Nudibranches recueillis par Mme A. Pruvot-Fol en Nouvelle-Caledonie (Ile des Pins). Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat., Ser. 2, 2: 229-231.
(sorry I do not have the French accents on my keyboard - there are Thai letters instead!)
Best wishes,
Jensen, K.R., 2000 (Aug 26) Re: Elysia from Sulawesi. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2908Thanks Kathe,
Bill Rudman.
Elysia from Sulawesi
July 26, 2000
From: Lindsay Warren

Dear Bill
The first specimen of this Elysiidae was found by Doug Philpott on 4 June 1999 at a depth of 15 m on algae growing over some dead coral on a wall of Pulau Hoga [Tukang Besi Archipelago, SE Sulawesi, Indonesia - Operation Wallacea]. Size: 3 mm. The second specimens were found by Rich Smith measuring 4 mm and pictures of one of these are attached.
Body and rhinophores are covered in short white capped projections giving it a very lumpy appearance. The parapodia are rather unusual in that they have two 'lobes' to each side. The lower part of the parapodia and the body are pale green with a patch of orange just behind the rhinophores. The outer 'lobes' of the parapodia are pale beige. There are a few 'splatterings' of black behind the rhinophores. The top half of the
rhinophores are white with while speckling on the green of the lower area.
Photos: Lindsay Warren.
Do you know its identity?
All the best
Warren, L., 2000 (Jul 26) Elysia from Sulawesi. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2754Dear Lindsay,
With an animal so small it is difficult to know whether the shape is a juvenile feature. Clay Carlson has suggested such a thing in an earlier message about Elysia sp. 3, which is another species which also has these unusual bilobed parapodia.
Sorry, but I will have to leave any attempt at identity to one of our sacoglossan experts.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.