Elysia sp. 4.
Superfamily: ELYSIOIDEA
Family: Elysiidae
Southeastern Australia and northern New Zealand.
Kurnell, Botany Bay ,New South Wales, Australia, May 1986. PHOTO: Bill Rudman.
This at present unnamed species is characterised by the blue rhinophores and blue spots on the parapodia. Grows to about 20mm in length.
Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 1999 (July 20) Elysia sp. 4. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/elyssp4
Related messages
Re: Elysia from New Zealand.
August 5, 1999
From: Cynthia Trowbridge
Bill mentioned the potential significance of the green "turfing" algae on which the slug is crawling. From the photo I would guess that it is one of the many encrusting species of the green alga Codium. On the North Island, C. convolutum is a common crustose form (=C. adhaerens). On the South Island, there is also C. dimorphum. To my understanding, there are several other species of subtidal encrusting Codium species in New Zealand. Placida cf. dendritica and Elysia maoria feed on these algal species. Please contact me if you would like any assistance in algal identification. Thanks for showing us the beautiful photo!
Cynthia Trowbridge.
Trowbridge, C., 1999 (Aug 5) Re: Elysia from New Zealand.. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/1155Is this an elysiid?
August 4, 1999
From: Grey McNeil

Hi Bill,
Is this an Elysiid??
I found it at Bare Island, La Perouse, Sydney, N.S.W, Australia, 8m, February 1997.
McNeil, G., 1999 (Aug 4) Is this an elysiid?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/1087Dear Grey,
Yes this is a species of Elysia. have a look at Ian Skipworth's photo of an animal from northern New Zealand.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
Elysia from New Zealand.
July 27, 1999
From: Ian Skipworth

Attached is a copy of the Elysia image which was taken by Shaun Cartwright s_cartwright@hotmail.com at the Poor Knights Island. [northeastern New Zealand].
I'm sure he wouldn't mind you using the image in your slug forum if you wish.
Ian Skipworth
Auckland, New Zealand
Skip's Underwater Image Gallery http://www.voyager.co.nz/~ianskip/ss.htm
Skipworth, I., 1999 (Jul 27) Elysia from New Zealand.. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/1115Dear Ian,
Please thank Shaun for the photo. This species of Elysia is not uncommon in southeastern Australia so it looks like it is another of those species that straddles the Tasman Sea. The green specks in the parapodial flaps, are branches of the digestive gland and are an indication that this may be one of the species of Elysia that keeps choroplasts from the algae it feeds on alive in its own body. The other interesting thing in this photo is the turfing green algae the Elysia is sitting on. I have no information on the food of this species. It may be worth checking whether this species is often found with this algae.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.