Glossodoris angasi
Rudman, 1986

Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Chromodorididae


Known only from intertidal and sublittoral waters of New South Wales.


Showing range in colour of mantle border.
•C132936 - Minnie Waters, nthn New South Wales, intertidal, March 1982, 35, 42mm long, Paratypes.

  • C149574 - Woodchip jetty, East Boyd, Two-Fold Bay, Eden, sthn New South Wales, March, 1988. 18mm long alive.
  • C155725 - Solitary Ids, Coffs Harbour, nthn New South Wales, 15m. March 1988. 20mm long.
    Photos: Bill Rudman.

    Sinilar in colour to Glossodoris atromarginata it differs in having a much softer body and wider mantle skirt. The mantle glands are easily seen as an irregular opaque white band near the mantle edge. The mantle is bordered by a thin line which varies in colour from black and dark brown to a pale pinkish brown. The rhinophore stalj is translucent white and the club is black with a thin whitish line up the anterior midline. The simple gills are translucent white with a black dusting along the edges, especially in the upper half to one-third. In some animals the whole upper third of each gill is dusted with black. The gills move rhythmically. It grows up to 45mm long.

    • Rudman, W.B. (1986) The Chromodorididae (Opisthobranchia: Mollusca) of the Indo-West Pacific: the genus Glossodoris Ehrenberg (=Casella, H.& A. Adams). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 86: 101-184.

    Authorship details
    Rudman, W.B., 2001 (August 22) Glossodoris angasi Rudman, 1986. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

    Related messages

    Is this Glossodoris angasi from Bare Island, La Perouse, NSW

    March 5, 2007
    From: Andrew Trevor-Jones

    G'day Bill,

    Is this one Glossodoris angasi?

    Locality: Bare Island, La Perouse, 10.6 m, NSW, Australia, Pacific Ocean, 3 December 2006, Rocky reef with algae and sponges. Length: ~40 mm. Photographer: Andrew Trevor-Jones.

    Andrew Trevor-Jones

    Trevor-Jones, A.G., 2007 (Mar 5) Is this Glossodoris angasi from Bare Island, La Perouse, NSW. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

    Dear Andrew,
    Yes this is G. angasi. It differs from G. atromarginata, which you found at the same time [message #19554] in a number of anatomical characters, and fortunately one very obvious external chracter which can be seen clearly in your photo. In G. atromarginata, there are a few ovate or spherical mantle glands embedded in the mantle tissue some distance in from the mantle edge, while in G. angasi the mantle glands form a crowded, ramifying network right at the mantle edge.

    Another external difference is that the mantle edge in G. angasi is usually a shade of brown, [pinkish brown to dark brown] while in G. atromarginata, as its name suggests, the mantle edge is black.

    Best wishes,
    Bill Rudman

    Rudman, W.B., 2007 (Mar 5). Comment on Is this Glossodoris angasi from Bare Island, La Perouse, NSW by Andrew Trevor-Jones. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

    Glossodoris angasi from Port Stephens, NSW

    February 18, 2006
    From: Bruce Potter

    Dear Bill,

    I was diving at Fly Point, Nelson Bay, yesterday when I saw what I thought was an G. atromarginata until I looked more closely and realised it was in fact different. I subsequently decided it was Glossodoris angasi

    Locality: Fly Point, Nelson Bay, Port Stephens, NSW, Australia. 12 metres, 12 February 2006, rocky sandy weeds and algae. Length: 30 mm.
    Photographer: Bruce Potter

    Bruce Potter

    Potter, B., 2006 (Feb 18) Glossodoris angasi from Port Stephens, NSW. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

    Thanks Bruce,
    Well done. They can be quite tricky
    Best wishes,
    Bill Rudman

    Glossodoris angasi from Sydney, Australia

    November 19, 2002
    From: Allan Saben

    Here is a photo of Glossodoris angasi. It was taken at The Gap, South Head, Sydney, NSW, 16 meters.

    Saben, A., 2002 (Nov 19) Glossodoris angasi from Sydney, Australia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

    Thanks Allan,
    Bill Rudman

    Glossodoris at Fly Point

    January 7, 1998
    From: David & Leanne Atkinson

    We found these at Fly Point, Port Stephens, New South Wales over Christmas. The first is a nudi that looks like a Glossodoris atromarginata but has a red frill where the other has black. Gills and rhinophores are black in both cases. Is this a colour variation?
    David & Leanne Atkinson.

    Atkinson, D. & L., 1998 (Jan 7) Glossodoris at Fly Point. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

    This is Glossodoris angasi which does indeed look like Glossodoris atromarginata and has been mistaken for it since 1864 when George Angas published his account on nudibranchs from Sydney Harbour. I named this species after Angas. The internal anatomy of these species is quite different but externally their colour is very similar. Glossodoris angasi has a much softer body than G. atromarginata, the edge of the mantle is less folded, and the colour band ranges from reddish brown to a light pink. In G. atromarginata the colour border is black...Bill Rudman

    Rudman, W.B., 1998 (Jan 7). Comment on Glossodoris at Fly Point by David & Leanne Atkinson. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from