Goniodoridella sp. 2
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Goniodorididae
Known from Great Barrier Reef, Queensland and Guam (Marshall & Willan, 1999).
Locality: Heron Island, Intertidal, Queensland, Pacific, December 1995, Intertidal. Length: 3 mm. Photographer: Julie Marshall.
White with yellow tip to posterior end of the foot, the tips of the two extrabranchial processes and the anterior corners of the foot. The rhinophore clubs are yellow basally but darken towards the tip to a blackish brown. The gills are rudimentary consistening of small basal buds.
Known only from a few small specimens 2.5 to 3 mm in length from under dead coral slabs at the reef crest.
Marshall, J. G. & Willan, R. C. (1999) Nudibranchs of Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. A survey of the Opisthobranchia (Sea Slugs) of Heron and Wistari Reefs. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers. [pp 65-66; Fig 107]
Rudman, W.B., 2009 (January 22) Goniodoridella sp. 2 [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/goniodsp2
Related messages
Goniodoridella sp. from Heron Island
January 22, 2009
From: Julie Marshall

Concerning message #22015:
Dear Bill,
Following David's message, attached is another Goniodoridella species from Heron Island. The animals were all found under dead coral slabs at the reef crest at low tide and ranged from 2.5 to 3 mm in size. Their general body colour was white except for the tip of the tail which was pale yellow. The extra branchial papillae are also white with a faint yellow tip and the rhinophores are mainly brown.
Locality: Heron Island, Intertidal, Queensland, Pacific, December 1995, Intertidal. Length: 3 mm. Photographer: Julie Marshall.
Best wishes,
Julie Marshall
Marshall, J.G., 2009 (Jan 22) Goniodoridella sp. from Heron Island. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/22178Thanks Julie,
I should have remembered this animal you reported in your Great Barrier Reef book. Like David & Gary's species the gills in yours appear to be very rudimentary. I have included a close-up to show the spiculate conical tubercules on the body
Marshall, J. G. & Willan, R. C. (1999) Nudibranchs of Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. A survey of the Opisthobranchia (Sea Slugs) of Heron and Wistari Reefs. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers. [pp 65-66; Fig 107]
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman