Hypselodoris picta lajensis
Troncoso, Garcia & Urgorri, 1998
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Chromodorididae
Southeast coast of Brazil in Laje de Santos, off shore from Santos Bay (São Paulo State), 15 m. Photo: Carlo Magenta-da-Cunha.
See message below.
• Troncoso, J.S., Garcia, F.J. & Urgorri, V.,(1998) Anatomical data on rare Hypselodoris picta (Schultz, 1836) (Gastropoda, Doridacea) from the coast of Brazil with description of a new subspecies. Bulletin of Marine Science, 63(1): 133-141.
Magenta-da-Cunha, C., 2000 (June 11) Hypselodoris picta lajensis Troncoso, Garcia & Urgorri, 1998. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/hypslaje
Related messages
Hypselodoris picta lajensis from Brazil
March 5, 2005
From: Armando de Luca Jr

This species, Hypselodoris picta lajensis, is found in the south-east states of Brazil (Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states).
Locality: Laje de Santos Marine State Park, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Atlantic Ocean. Depth: 15 metres. Length: 25 mm. 28 December 2004. Rock bottom. Photographer: Armando de Luca Jr.
Armando de Luca Jr.
de Luca, Armando, 2005 (Mar 5) Hypselodoris picta lajensis from Brazil. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/13279Dear Armando,
Thanks for this record of this very spectacular chromodorid. I see your photo was taken at Laje de Santos, which is where the type specimen of this subspecies was found, and which gave it its name lajensis.
There is some discussion at present about whether all the 'forms' of Hypselodoris picta are really one species. It would be very valuable to know just what sponge each of the 'forms / subspecies' preferred as food and what their egg ribbons looked like, so if you ever have a chance to photograph them feeding or laying eggs, the photos would be very welcome on the Forum
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Hypselodoris picta lajensis from Brazil
December 6, 2002
From: Marcelo Krause

My name is Marcelo Krause and I am an underwater photographer here in Brazil. I am sending you some pictures of nudibranchs that I photographed here in the south of Brazil. This animal was photographed in Florianopolis and is quite commmon. I am having a little difficulty trying to find its name.
Thank you,
Krause, M., 2002 (Dec 6) Hypselodoris picta lajensis from Brazil. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/8595Dear Marcelo,
This is a colour form or subspecies of Hypselodoris picta which is only known from Brazil. It has recently been named Hypselodoris picta lajensis. Have a look at the page on Hypselodoris picta for photos of some of the other colour variations of this species, which is found on both the west and east coasts of the Atlantic.
I will post your other photo soon. If you have other photos of nudibranchs from Brazil, even ones you have identified, they would be very welcome additions to the Forum,
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Hypselodoris picta lajensis from Brazil
June 12, 2000
From: Carlo Magenta-da-Cunha

Dear friends,
This specimen was collected on the southeast coast of Brazil in Laje de Santos, off shore from Santos Bay (São Paulo State)and was found at 15 m in depth over rock.
It's a beautiful Brasilian species!
Reference: Troncoso, J.S., Garcia, F.J. & Urgorri, V. 1998. Anatomical data on rare Hypselodoris picta (Schultz, 1836) (Gastropoda, Doridacea) from the coast of Brazil with description of a new subspecies. Bulletin of Marine Science, 63(1):133-141.
Best Regards,
Magenta-da-Cunha, C., 2000 (Jun 12) Hypselodoris picta lajensis from Brazil. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2548Dear Magenta,
I had just decided to stop work on the Forum today when I decided to have a look at 'just one more message' and it happened to be this one. This nudibranch is not only beautiful, but quite breathtaking! I am glad to say that even after looking at nudibranchs for more than 30 years I still can be amazed at their beautiful colours.
Thank you for sharing these photos with us.
Is this the only subspecies of H. picta to have a region about midway down each side where the mantle border is yellow, like in this animal?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.