Kaloplocamus peludo
Valles & Gosliner 2006
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Polyceridae
Subfamily: Triophinae
Wide Indo-West Pacific distribution [Tanzania, Japan, Philippines, Palau, Marshall Ids, Papua New Guinea.
Locality: Seragaki, Okinawa, Japan, Western Pacific, Mixed coral rubble, sand, algae.
Upper Photo: RFB #3726-A / 17 mm / 61 m / 18 Aug 1999 / Seragaki, Okinawa (original Kodachrome at 1.5:1).
Lower Photo: RFB #3567-C / 10 mm / 53 m / 26 Mar 1997 / Seragaki, Okinawa (original Kodachrome at 4:1) Photographer: R. F. Bolland.
The animal is a translucent brownish colour with a pattern of opaque white lines and patches, and scattered irregularly shaped brown spots, all of similar size. In some animals there is an irregular white line running from between the rhinophoes back to the gills where its splits to form a ring around the gills and then joins again posteriorly. The white pigmnetation can also fome short longitudinal streaks elsewhere on the mantle, and in some specimens the median line is not clear.
There are three pairs of long papillae along the edge of the mantle. These are slightly swollen at the tips which give rise to a number of elongate and branching filaments. Around the anterior end of the mantle there are five or six similar papillae, and along the outer edge of the rhinophore sheath there are two or three more. Scattered over the mantle and the sides of the body are smaller conical papillae with an unbranched terminal filament. These filaments give the body and the papillae a hairy appearance which gives the species is its name [peludo = hairy in Spanish].
Valles, Y. & Gosliner, T. (2006). Shedding Light onto the Genera (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) Kaloplocamus and Plocamopherus with Description of New Species Belonging to These Unique Bioluminescent Dorids. The Veliger 48(3): 178-205.
Rudman, W.B., 2007 (February 26) Kaloplocamus peludo Valles & Gosliner 2006. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/kalopelu
Related messages
Kaloplocamus peludo from Heron Island
February 28, 2007
From: Julie Marshall

Dear Bill,
With reference to Bill Bolland's message about the new species Kaloplocamus peludo I have found four specimens of this species at Heron Island [Great Barrier Reef]. They were found under dead coral slabs at the reef crest at low tide or on bryozoans attached to grids covering saltwater intake pipes. Attached is a photo of one of them which originally appeared in the book by Richard Willan and myself on the Nudibranchs of Heron Island as Kaloplocamus sp. 1.
Locality: Heron Island, 1 m., Queensland, Australia, Pacific, November 1998, Intertidal. Length: 10 mm. Photographer: Julie Marshall.
Best wishes,
Julie Marshall
Thanks Julie,
I have added a few close-ups of part of your animal to show the 'hairy' nature of the lateral papillae
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Kaloplocamus peludo - a new species
February 27, 2007
From: Robert F. Bolland

Hi Bill,
I thought I'd post several images of a recently described Kaloplocamus species, Kaloplocamus peludo Valles & Gosliner 2006.
Three specimens have been collected from Okinawa.
Locality: Seragaki, Okinawa, Japan, Western Pacific, Mixed coral rubble, sand, algae.
Upper Photo: RFB #3726-A / 17 mm / 61 m / 18 Aug 1999 / Seragaki, Okinawa (original Kodachrome at 1.5:1).
Lower Photo: RFB #3567-C / 10 mm / 53 m / 26 Mar 1997 / Seragaki, Okinawa (original Kodachrome at 4:1) Photographer: R. F. Bolland.
Valles, Y. & Gosliner, T. (2006). Shedding Light onto the Genera (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) Kaloplocamus and Plocamopherus with Description of New Species Belonging to These Unique Bioluminescent Dorids. The Veliger 48(3): 178-205.
Bolland, R.F., 2007 (Feb 27) Kaloplocamus peludo - a new species. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/18908Thanks Bob,
Bill Rudman