Maxacteon hancocki
Rudman, 1971
Superfamily: ACTEONOIDEA
Family: Acteonidae
Bay of Islands, New Zealand
Bay of Islands, NE New Zealand, dredged at approx 80m, 4-5mm long alive. 13 May 1969. Photo: M.C.Miller.
Animal has a headshield bearing a large pair of posteriorly projected fleshy lobes and a small pair of laterally projecting anterior extensions. Foot extends slightly behind the spire of shell. It has a thin horny operculum. The shell is white with orange-brown periostracal markings at the base and on the spire. The shell is inflated; spire half height of body whorl; aperture open, upper lip joining halfway up body whorl, basal lip rounded. Columella bearing single fold; inner lip forming slight callous. Sculptured with regular, deeply punctate, spiral grooves. Shell moderately thin. Height not exceeding 6mm. Most probably feeds on polychaete worms.
• Rudman, W.B. (1971) The family Acteonidae (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda) in New Zealand. Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia, 2(2): 205-214.
• Rudman, W.B. (1972) A study of the functional anatomy of Pupa and Maxacteon (Acteonidae, Opisthobranchia) with an account of the breeding cycle of Pupa kirki. Journal of Natural History, 6(6): 603-19,10 figs.
• Rudman, W.B. (1972) Structure and functioning of the gut in the Bullomorpha (Opisthobranchia) Part 2. Acteonidae. Journal of Natural History, 6(3): 311-24, 8 figs.
Rudman, W.B., 2003 (January 30) Maxacteon hancocki Rudman, 1971. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/maxahanc
Related messages
Maxacteon hancocki from New Zealand
June 2, 2003
From: Bill Rudman

Paul Furneaux's message about trying to identify cephalaspidean bubble-shells in New Zealand proved a catalyst for me to find some old photos I have of some New Zealand cephalaspideans taken for me by Dr Michael C. Miller when I was a graduate student of his some years ago. Here are two photos of Maxacteon hancocki that I dredged from Max Hancock's yacht - hence the name - in northern New Zealand.
Bay of Islands, NE New Zealand, dredged at approx 80m, 4-5mm long alive. 13 May 1969. Photo: M.C.Miller.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman