Mexico - Pacific Coast
Messages about Mexico (Pacific Coast). See Caribbean Page for that fauna.
See also •Bahia de Banderas, Mexico (Pacific Coast).
Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 1999 (November 26) Mexico - Pacific Coast. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
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About my research in Mexico
November 27, 1999
From: Orso Angulo Campillo

Dr. Rudman.
Thanks for posting my message in the forum, as for personal input, as I told in my message I been workin with slugs for five years now. I live in Mexico, in the city of La Paz, wich is almost in the tip of the Baja Peninsula (I attach a map ) for those that are not familiar with the region.
My main work is to get a catalog of the species of the region, most of the work I have done is in the Bay of La Paz (enlarge section of the map B), and in the last year I made a one year study on the Punta Eugenia region (section a of the map). Until now I been able to obtain a total of 70 species, of which 5 are not described yet.
All the work is focussed on my thesis, that I will defend in February.
And if you know another Mexican that is working with sea slugs please let me know.
Orso Angulo Campillo
Campillo, O.A., 1999 (Nov 27) About my research in Mexico. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Orso,
Thanks for the background information. I don't know of any other Mexicans working on sea slugs but you are probably familiar with the Californians who visit your shores. Perhaps someone reading this message will contact you.
Good luck with your thesis, and if you ever feel like sharing photos and information on some of the interesting sea slugs from your coast, I would be very glad to have them on the Forum.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.