Reunion Island Sea Slugs
Reunion Island is situated in the Indian Ocean, approximately 750 km east of Madagascar.
Building on the pioneering work of Dr Maurice Jay who has contributed greatly to the knowledge of Reunion molluscs, Philibert Bidgrain and Maurice Jay have been trying to identify the sea slugs present in Reunion Island and to present them in a local forum website at http://vieoceane.free.fr/runseaslug/indexslug.htm
They are members of a French association Vie Océane which is composed of scientists from the Reunion University, teachers of biology, students, divers, photographs, etc... Their aim is to popularise the scientific research associated with the reef ecosystem in Reunion Island. They also take part in research programs such as health coral reef monitoring or biodiversity studies.
Many of the sea slugs which have discovered thorugh their activities, appear to be new records from Reunion so they are also posting them on the Sea Slug Forum to disseminate the information and also to confirm the identifications.
NOTE: As the number of species recorded is continually growing, rather than including a species list here, anyone wanting a list of species from Reunion Island should run a search for 'Reunion'.
Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 2005 (February 8) Reunion Island Sea Slugs. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/reunion
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Sea slugs of Reunion Island
February 12, 2005
From: Philibert Bidgrain
I'm member of a French association Vie Océane which is composed of scientists from the Reunion University, teachers of biology, students, divers, photographs, etc... Our aim is to popularise the scientific research associated with the reef ecosystem in Reunion Island. We also take part in research programs as health coral reef monitoring or biodiversity studies;
During our work we have the opportunity to continue the work begun by Dr Maurice Jay who has greatly contributed to the knowledge of Reunion molluscs and in particular, of sea slugs. We are trying to identify the sea slugs present in Reunion Island and present them in a little local forum website. http://vieoceane.free.fr/runseaslug/indexslug.htm
At the present time, there are 51 different species on line (but we may get to more than one hundred). I will be sending photos of these 51 to the Forum because sometimes I'm not entirely sure of these identifications. Many of them have not yet been reported in Reunion Island in your forum website..
It will be great if you can help us.
Philibert Bidgrain
Reunion Island
Bidgrain, P., 2005 (Feb 12) Sea slugs of Reunion Island. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/12951Dear Philibert,
Thanks for this valuable contribution. I will gradually post your records as I get a spare moment or two. As I am sure the number of species you find will continue to grow, I think rather than posting a static list on the Forum, it is best if anyone wanting a list of species recorded from Reunion Island can generate an up to date list by doing a Search on the Forum for 'Reunion'.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman