Stiliger aureomarginatus
Jensen, 1993
Family: Limapontiidae
Indo-West Pacific - Japan, Australia [west & east coasts].
Hachijo Island, Japan, 21 April 2002. Length: 5mm on Codium intricatum. Photo: Nishina Masayoshi
Animals are black or dark bluish-green with orange or yellow tips to the cerata and pedal lobes. Below the orange ceratal tips is a band of dense white dots with a light yellowish tinge. Branches of the digestive gland ramify through the dorsal part of the body and into the cerata. Described from central Western Australia and Moreton Bay, Queensland, [eastern Australia]. Found on Codium cf. perriniae.
• Jensen, K.R. (1993) Sacoglossa (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia) from Rottnest Island and central Western Australia. In: Proceedings of the 5th International marine Biological Workshop: The marine Flora and Fauna of Rottnest Island, Western Australia. (Eds: Wells,FE; Walker,DI; Kirkman,H; Lethbridge,R) Western Australian Museum, Perth, 207-253.
Rudman, W.B., 2002 (May 13) Stiliger aureomarginatus Jensen, 1993. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/stilaure
Related messages
Stiliger aureomarginatus - new record for Heron Island
November 28, 2007
From: Julie Marshall

Dear Bill,
Attached is a photo of Stiliger aureomarginatus which I found out on the reef crest at Heron Island [Great Barrier Reef] yesterday on a clump of Codium. This is a first record from Heron Island. The photos of the animals you have on the forum at present all have yellow tips to their cerata but in this animal they were bright orange.
Locality: Heron Island, Intertidal, Queensland, Australia, Pacific, 24 November 2007, Intertidal. Length: 8 mm. Photographer: Julie Marshall.
Best wishes,
Julie Marshall
Marshall, 2007 (Nov 28) Stiliger aureomarginatus - new record for Heron Island. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/21196
Dear Julie,
Thanks for the record. It is certainly on a Codium. My guess is Codium mamillosum, but we would need an expert to confirm.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Re: Stiliger aureomarginatus found sthn Queensland
November 13, 2007
From: Gary Cobb

Concerning message #21079:
Hi Bill and everyone!
After collecting the Stiliger on the weekend I have had a few chances to re-photograph it and observe it. Here are 3 more shots of it, including a ventral shot. No eggs were laid.
Locality: Old Woman Island, Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast, 14 m, Queensland, Australia, Pacific Ocean, 03 November 2007, Subtidal. Length: 6 mm. Photographer: Gary Cobb.
Gary Cobb
Dear Gary,
Thanks for these great photos
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Re: Stiliger aureomarginatus found sthn Queensland
November 5, 2007
From: Gary Cobb

Concerning message #20865:
Hi Bill and everyone!
I am pleased to announce that we found our second Stiliger aureomarginatus at 'Bornella Reef' on the southeast corner of Old Woman Island on Saturday. I turned over a rock and under it where about 30-40 of these Algea clumps. Each one was about 13-15 mm in length. The clumps were very pale green probably because they where under the rock. I thought algae reqiured sunlight!
Locality: Old Woman Island, Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast, 14 m, Queensland, Australia, Pacific Ocean, 03 November 2007, Subtidal. Length: 6 mm. Photographer: Gary Cobb.
Gary Cobb
Cobb, G.C., 2007 (Nov 5) Re: Stiliger aureomarginatus found sthn Queensland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/21079
Dear Gary,
Thanks for this interesting observation. This species has been reported eating species of Codium. I am not an algal expert but there are some species of Codium in which the bladder-like 'utricles' which make up the body of species of Codium, are relatively large like this. So it is possible this is a species of Codium, and there are certainly species which are adapted to low light conditions.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Stiliger aureomarginatus found sthn Queensland [2]
October 4, 2007
From: Gary Cobb

Hi Bill.
I thought you might like some more photos of this beautiful animal.
Locality: Old Woman Island, Sunshine Coast, 15 m, Queensland, Australia, Pacific Ocean, 29 September 2007, Subtidal. Length: 5 mm. Photographer: Gary Cobb.
Gary Cobb
Cobb, G.C., 2007 (Oct 4) Stiliger aureomarginatus found sthn Queensland [2]. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/20869
Thanks Gary,
Sometimes more photos are hard to resist
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Stiliger aureomarginatus found sthn Queensland [1]
October 4, 2007
From: Gary Cobb

Hi Bill and everyone!
Please find pics of our 321st species here on the Sunshine Coast ... Stiliger aureomarginatus. Small on the side of what appears to be green algae. I was wondering if you could ID the algae.
Locality: Old Woman Island, Sunshine Coast, 15 m, Queensland, Australia, Pacific Ocean, 29 September 2007, Subtidal. Length: 5 mm. Photographer: Gary Cobb.
Gary Cobb
Cobb, G.C., 2007 (Oct 4) Stiliger aureomarginatus found sthn Queensland [1]. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/20865
Thanks Gary,
Nice to fill in another gap. Concerning the green algae, this species has been reported on species of Codium and although I can't see enough detail to be sure, I suspect the algae in your photo is a species of Codium as well.
These photos show the rolled rhinophores and the single unbranched digestive gland duct in each ceras, which are both characters of the genus Stiliger.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
New sacoglossan for New Zealand
August 22, 2005
From: Ian Skipworth

Hi Bill
I've no idea what the attached photo is of. I've not seen anything like it before but it is very small so could easily be overlooked. As always, your comments would be much appreciated.
Locality: Poor Knights Islands, northeastern New Zealand. Depth: 12 m. Length: 5 mm. 20 August 2005. Rocky reef. Photographer: Ian Skipworth
Skipworth, I., 2005 (Aug 22) New sacoglossan for New Zealand. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/14616Dear Ian,
This is indeed a nice find. It isStiliger aureomarginatus, a sacoglossan sea slug which feeds on species of Codium. I am pretty sure the green background in your photo is a species of Codium. To my knowledge it has not been reported from New Zealand before. The species was described from Western Australia and we have records on the Forum from Hong Kong, Japan, East Timor and Sydney. I guess it is one of those tropical species which seems to find the waters of the Poor Knights Ids quite acceptable. As you say, it is hard to say of this is a recent arrival or just another little animal which has been previously overlooked. Congratulations on seeing it!
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Stiliger aureomarginatus from Sydney, NSW
May 9, 2005
From: R. Fea & J. Coombs

Dear Dr Rudman,
Here is another nudibranch from Bare Island which we've been unable to identify. It was seen as part of a family group sheltering on a large sponge - the biggest of the group was about 10 mm.
Locality: Bare Island, Botany Bay, Sydney, Australia. Depth: 6 m. Length: 5 mm - 10 mm. 04 February 2005. Photographer: Roxanne Fea
Many thanks -
Roxanne Fea and Jason Coombs
Fea, R.I. & Coombs, J., 2005 (May 9) Stiliger aureomarginatus from Sydney, NSW. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/13736Dear Roxanne & Jason,
Although as colourful as a nudibranch, this is a sacoglossan sea slug. As such it is a herbivore. It is most probable that the green 'sponge' you found it and others on, is a species of green alga, perhaps a species of Codium, on which it feeds. It is Stiliger aureomarginatus.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Stiliger aureomarginatus from East Timor
September 7, 2003
From: Nick Hobgood

Dear Bill,
Can you help ID this very small nudibranch? Sorry the resolution is so low!
The suspected nudibranch was seen on the north coast of East Timor at a dive site called Bubble Beach. The GPS coordinates for the site are S 08° 34.589' - E125° 22.094'. The depth it was found was rather shallow at 5-8 meters. It is about 2-3mm in length. It was noticed on the underside of what looks like an ascidian - Oxycorynia fascicularis
Thanks for your time.
Nick Hobgood
Hobgood, N., 2003 (Sep 7) Stiliger aureomarginatus from East Timor. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/10869Dear Nick,
Although its a bit hard to see, I am pretty sure it is a little herbivorous sacoglossan rather than a nudibranch. I suspect its presence on the ascidian colony is just a coincidence. Also if you look carefully I suspect there are a pair of animals there. There appears to be 2 pairs of rhinophores - 1 pair white, the other bluish white.
If my guess is right it is most likely Stiliger aureomarginatus.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Stiliger aureomarginatus from eastern Australia
May 18, 2002
From: Bill Rudman

Here is a record of Stiliger aureomarginatus from eastern Australia to accompany yesterday's message from Japan.
PHOTO: Pilot Bch, Laurieton, northern New South Wales, eastern Australia, 9 March 1981. AM C126973. Photo: Heather McLennan.
It was found on Codium fragilis by Judith Hunter and Helen Woodward, who were valuable volunteer collectors of opisthobranchs for many years.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
Stiliger aureomarginatus from Japan.
May 17, 2002
From: Nishina Masayoshi

Dear Bill,
I think these animals are Stiliger aureomarginatus Jensen, 1993. Although this species is not rare in Japan I do not have detailed information on it. If you have a description of this animal, I would be happy. It is sometimes found on Codium intricatum.
Date: 2002 Apr 21
Location: Hachijo Island Japan
Lengh: 5mm
Photographed by N. Masayoshi
Best Regards,
Nishina Masayoshi
Masayoshi, N., 2002 (May 17) Stiliger aureomarginatus from Japan.. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/6872Dear Nishina,
I am sure your animal is Stiliger aureomarginatus but I guess we should wait for Kathe to confirm it.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman