Trapania sanctipetrensis
Cervera, Garcia-Gomez & Megina, 2000
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Goniodorididae
Known only from southern Iberian Peninsula.
Sancti-Petri, Chiclana, Bay of Cadiz, southwestern Iberian Peninsula, on Bugula neritina, 30 cm depth, 8 mm long alive, May 1997. Photo: Cesar Megina
The animal is a translucent greyish white with an irregular mottling - sometimes an irregular network - of dark greyish brown. The gills, rhinophores and lateral processes also have flecks of dark greyish brown.
The shape of the radular teeth are similar to those of T. tartanella [see message #20698] with a large outer cusp and many small denticles along the edge of the blade. It grows to at least 8 mm in length.
The shape of the radular teeth are similar to those of T. tartanella [see message #20698] with a large outer cusp and many small denticles along the edge of the blade. It grows to at least 8 mm in length.
- Cervera J.L., Garcia-Gomez J.C. & Megina C. (2000) A new species of Trapania Pruvot-Fol, 1931 from the Bay of Cadiz, with remarks on other Trapania species (Nudibranchia: Goniodorididae). Ophelia, 52(1): 17-24.
Rudman, W.B., 2007 (September 18) Trapania sanctipetrensis Cervera, Garcia-Gomez & Megina, 2000 . [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/trapsanc