Tritoniid sp. 4.
Family: Tritoniidae
Izu Ocean Park, Izu penninsula, Japan, 9 August 2000. Near soft coral, depth 160ft. Length: approx 20mm. Photo: Hisako Yamada.
See message below from Haruo Kinoshita.
Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 2000 (August 27) Tritoniid sp. 4. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/tritsp4
Related messages
Tritonia? from Izu, Japan
August 29, 2000
From: Haruo Kinoshita

Dear Mr Rudman,
Hello, I'm Haruo Kinoshita from Japan. Today, I'd like you to verify a marine creature that my friend, Miyosi found.
I attached the pictures of a marine creature which I consider as another variation of Tritonia.
We found this on right above of a soft coral at a depth of about 160ft. The water temperature was 15c. Its length was about
Can you help to identify for me please ?
Picture was taken by Hisako Yamada.
Izu Ocean Park, Izu penninsula, Japan in Aug, 9th 2000.
Haruo Kinoshita
Kinoshita, H., 2000 (Aug 29) Tritonia? from Izu, Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2915Dear Haruo,
Welcome to the Forum and thanks for the photos of your interesting nudibranch. It is most probably a species of Tritonia but I don't think it has a name.
The white lines on one of the animals suggests that it lives on a soft coral, such as Dendronepthya, in which the white skeletal spicules form part of the colour pattern. If so the Tritonia must be difficult to see on the soft coral. Have a look at a species of soft coral with pink skeletal spicules.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.