Trapania benni
Rudman, 1987
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Goniodorididae
Known only from New South Wales and Victoria, southeastern Australia.
Flinders, Westernport Bay, Victoria,, Australia. March 1986. 14mm long alive. PHOTO: Bill Rudman.
The background colour is a pale reddish brown with a close covering of yellow or white specks. There are a series of symmetrical white patches on the body which are scattered with large yellow spots. It is somewhat similar externally to T. brunnea but in that species the background colour is a uniform dark brown and there are no yellow spots in the large white patches.They differ considerably in tooth morphology.
• Rudman,W.B.(1987). The genus Trapania (Nudibranchia: Goniodorididae) in the Indo-West Pacific. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 53: 189-212.
Rudman, W.B., 2001 (April 4) Trapania benni Rudman, 1987. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/trapbenn
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