Abnormalities in Body Shape
Anterior end of Glossodoris hikuerensis from Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, showing three rhinophores. See Scott Johnson's message. PHOTO: Jeanette Johnson.
Through developmental mistakes and after damage, animals sometimes grow a weird structure somewhere on their bodies.
Here is a list of relevant messages which are either attached below or elsewhere in the Forum.
Oxynoe sp. 3 - 2 tails.
Elysia crispata - bifurcate rhinophores.
Elysia ornata - conjoined [Siamese] twins.
Elysia papillosa - three rhinophores.
Hopkinsia rosacea bifurcating rhinophore.
Gymnodoris ceylonica fused rhinophores.
Nembrotha chamberlaini single median rhinophore.
Nembrotha kubaryana three rhinophores
Nembrotha kubaryana misshapened rhinophore.
Nembrotha purpureolineata trifid rhinophore
Kentrodoris rubescens - rhinophore missing.
Ceratosoma amoena - branching rhinophore.
Ceratosoma amoena - trifid rhinophore.
Ceratosoma tenue - dorsal horn absent; 1 rhinophore.
Chromodoris africana / Glossodoris rufomarginata - mantle abnormality.
Chromodoris annae - trifurcate rhinophore
Chromodoris annae - abnormal mantle
Chromodoris annae - abnormal mantle
Chromodoris annae - abnormal mantle
Chromodoris annulata - one rhinophore
Chromodoris gleniei - fused rhinophores.
Chromodoris hamiltoni - bifid 'tail'
Chromodoris hintuanensis- three rhinophores. 2nd record.
Chromodoris kuniei - three rhinophores.
Chromodoris kuniei - one rhinophore.
Chromodoris kuniei - mantle abnormality.
Chromodoris kuniei - one normal, one trifid rhinophore.
Chromodoris leopardus, 2nd record - 2 anterior mantle flaps.
Chromodoris leopardus - mantle damage.
Chromodoris lochi - 3 rhinophores.
Chromodoris lochi - 2 sets of gills.
Chromodoris magnifica - 3 rhinophores.
Chromodoris magnifica - cone-shaped outgrowth on mantle.
Chromodoris obsoleta - 3 rhinophores
Chromodoris orientalis - two heads.
Chromodoris quadricolor - cone-shaped outgrowth on mantle.
Chromodoris quadricolor - abnormal mantle
Chromodoris strigata - mantle abnormality.
Chromodoris verrieri - mantle abnormality.
Chromodoris willani - 1 rhinophore & cone-shaped growth.
Chromodoris willani - cone-shaped growth.
Durvilledoris pusilla - bifid rhinophores
Glossodoris atromarginata - 4 rhinophores.
Glossodoris atromarginata - fused rhinophore pockets.
Glossodoris cincta - 1 rhinophore.
Glossodoris cruenta - gills beneath mantle skirt
Glossodoris hikuerensis - 3 rhinophores
Glossodoris sedna - 4 rhinophores
Hypselodoris apolegma - abnormal gills.
Hypselodoris emma - mantle abnormality.
Hypselodoris fontandraui - abnormal gill branching
Hypselodoris picta - mantle abnormalities or damage.
Hypselodoris zephyra - bifid rhinophore.
Hallaxa iju - rhinophores joined.
Noumea haliclona - fused rhinophores.
Risbecia pulchella - no gills.
Risbecia tryoni - cone-shaped growth between rhinophores.
Thorunna africana - body damage
Phyllidia ocellata - 1 rhinophore.
Phyllidiopsis shireenae - damaged anterior end.
Reticulidia fungia - double rhinophores.
Cuthona sibogae - branched oral tentacle.
Phyllodesmium longicirrum - regrown cerata without dig. gland.
Phyllodesmium macphersonae - cerata with secondary tips.
Phyllodesmium magnum - cerata with double tips.
Phidiana hiltoni - 4 rhinophores.
Phidiana hiltoni - bifid oral tentacle.
Pteraeolidia ianthina - 4 rhinophores
Flabellina bicolor - two pairs of oral tentacles.
Flabellina exoptata - fused rhinophores.
Flabellina pedata - bifurcating oral tentacles.
Flabellina pedata- one bifurcating oral tentacle; [Record 2 ]
Dirona albolineata - 3 rhinophores.
Rudman, W.B., 2000 (January 28) Abnormalities in Body Shape. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/abnormal
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