Elysia cf. tomentosa
Superfamily: ELYSIOIDEA
Family: Elysiidae
Crawling on the surface of mixed sand / coral rubble (not found associated with any alga). Seragaki, Okinawa, 20 ft. Length 37mm. PHOTO: R.F.Bolland.
This photo is of one of a number of possibly distinct species with papillae on the parapodia which in some ways 'fit' Kathe Jensen's description of Elysia tomentosa. I have a separate page for those messages and photos that seem to be her species, and this separate page for those which have similarities, but may be distinct species.
Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 2001 (November 29) Elysia cf. tomentosa [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/elyscftome
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Re: Elysia pilosa & E. tomentosa (5)
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I think this is Elysia cf tomentosa
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Re: Elysia tomentosa from Heron Id (2)
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Re: Elysia cf. tomentosa. from Okinawa
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