Re: Elysia pilosa & E. tomentosa (1)
August 7, 2003
From: Jun Imamoto

Dear Bill,
Following Baki Yokes message and your comments, I have sent a series of images in different messages for your consideration. I have also been puzzled about the identity of Elysia tomentosa and Elysia pilosa. This individual was found from the top of the rock covered in seaweed.
Date: 15 Mar 2003
place: Kurasaki beach, Amami Ooshima Islands, Kagoshima, Japan
size: approx 30 mm
depth: 4 m
temperature :20 C
See also: message 2; message 3; message 4; message 5;
Best Regards,
Jun Imamoto
Imamoto. J., 2003 (Aug 7) Re: Elysia pilosa & E. tomentosa (1). [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Jun,
Thanks for this and the other messages you have sent with variations on this species, or group of species, of Elysia. It would seen that both colour and degree of papillation is variable. The only way we will work this puzzle out is tho see many animals. Even if the anatomy of them all is the same, until we can link all the colour forms together we will not be sure how many species are involved. So your messages are invaluale.
Although the considerable papillation and strong white pigmentation suggest this is distinct from some of the other animals, the bright blue patches on the head clearly link this to the animals in your other messages except for message 2.
So we don't get totally confused I will temporarily 'file' your messages on the Elysia cf. tomentosa page. Your animal seems to be the same as the one from Okinawa in Bob Bolland's earlier message.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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