Eubranchus linensis
Garcia-Gomez, Cervera & Garcia, 1990
Family: Eubranchidae
Reported from southern Spain and Portugal
Locality: Peniche, 10 metres, Portugal, North Atlantic, 02 September 2007, Rocky bottom. Length: less than 1 cm. Photographer: Joao Pedro Silva.
Typical eubranchid shape with swollen cerata arranged in slightly sloping rows. The body is translucent white with opaque white tips to the rhinophores, oral tentacles and cerata. Blood red to brown patches of irregular shape and size are scattered all over the body.
It has similarities in external shape and colour to one colour form of Eubranchus farrani but the authors consider slight differences in the reproductive system and buccal armature are significant. It grows to at least 20 mm in length.
García-Gómez, J. C., Cervera, J. L., and García, F. J. (1990) Description of Eubranchus linensis new species (Nudibranchia), with remarks on diauly in nudibranchs. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 56: 585-593.
Rudman, W.B., 2007 (September 13) Eubranchus linensis Garcia-Gomez, Cervera & Garcia, 1990. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/eubrline
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