Eubranchus farrani? from Portugal
September 8, 2007
From: Joao Pedro Silva

Note added 14 September 2007: According to Lucas Cervera this is Eubranchus linensis. [See message #20684]
Dear Bill,
As I've only seen Eubranchus farrani once I'm not sure if my identification is correct. Another shot from yesterday's dive.
Locality: Peniche, 10 metres, Portugal, North Atlantic, 02 September 2007, Rocky bottom. Length: less than 1 cm. Photographer: Joao Pedro Silva.
Joao Pedro Tojal Loia Soares Silva
Silva, J. P., 2007 (Sep 8) Eubranchus farrani? from Portugal. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Joao Pedro,
I also have only seen this species alive once myself. It was on a trip to South Wales with Tom Thompson in 1971, so I can't say I am an expert either, but I think we will find that the large orange patches on the dorsum are very characteristic. This is a very variable species and this is another colour variation for the Forum.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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