Noumea flava from the Philippines
May 28, 2003
From: Fredy Brauchli

Dear Bill,
Back home from the Philippines and again fascinated by the tiny creatures you can find there, I'm happy to send you a record of Noumea flava from the northern Philippine region (Occ. Mindoro).
This picture was taken at Pandan Island. Size: ca. 6-7mm, depth: 10m, place: Canyons, date: April 24th, 2003.
Kind regards from Switzerland,
Brauchli, F., 2003 (May 28) Noumea flava from the Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Fredy,
It's only a short time ago that we thought this was a western Indian Ocean species, so it's good to have another Pacific record.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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