Dorid from Sodwana Bay, South Africa

July 10, 2003
From: Rudolph van Jaarsveld

Hi Bill,
Could you identify this slug please? I took the photo at Sodwana Bay, South Africa in May 2003 at a depth of 15 meters.

This photo was taken with 1:1 extension tube, 35mm lens, Nikonos V.

Rudolph van Jaarsveld

Jaarsveld, R., 2003 (Jul 10) Dorid from Sodwana Bay, South Africa . [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Rudolph,
I can't say much about this dorid except that it is the one I am calling Doris? sp. 1 on the Forum.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2003 (Jul 10). Comment on Dorid from Sodwana Bay, South Africa by Rudolph van Jaarsveld. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Doris? sp. 1.

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