Pseudobornella orientalis from Philippines
March 19, 2004
From: Shinji Kitagawa

Dear Dr.Rudman
I took pictures of this nudibranch that I can not identify in Puerto Galera, Philippines. Could you identify this please?
28th January, 2004. 11:30AM
Location: Puerto Galera, Philippines
Depth: 10m
Length: 20-30mm
Water Temp.: 24C
Shinji Kitagawa
Kitagawa, S., 2004 (Mar 19) Pseudobornella orientalis from Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Shinji,
It is difficult to be sure of the shape of the 'cerata' or 'papillae' on the back, as they are so transparent but I am pretty sure this is Pseudobornella orientalis. If, so it is a very interesting find as that species is only known from a few sightings in Japan. This is the first record of it outside Japan. Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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