Re: Chromodoris elegantula

June 3, 2005
From: Egidio Trainito

Dear Bill,
Of course you can use  scans of 59 and 61 pictures from my book. 59 is quite common in the Stagnone di Marsala in Sicily: it is so common that it has been filmed a week ago during the making of a TV series. It was not necessary to search for it, it was only there. It is so common that it would not be difficult to publish it.

Upper: [Photo 59 identified in Trainito as Chromodoris sp.]
Lower: [Photo 61 identified in Trainito as C. elegantula]

  • Trainito, E. 2003. Arlecchini mediterranei. Guida ai molluschi opistobranchi del Mediterraneo. [Mediterranean harlequins. A Field Guide to Mediterranean Sea Slugs ] Taphros, Olbia, Italy. 58 pp.

Thank you for your words about my book. In a few days it will be distributed in a new pocket edition, with more than 180 species and more than 300 photos. I have corrected some mistakes (C. cristallina is actually C. graeca) and identified some previously unknown species (like C. africana ).

Best wishes

Trainito, E., 2005 (Jun 3) Re: Chromodoris elegantula. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Egidio,
Thanks for permission to use your photos and thanks the information on the 'form' without red spots. I hope it doesn't start a 'goldrush' to the Stagnone di Marsala. Did you by chance notice if there were animals with small red spots around as well?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2005 (Jun 3). Comment on Re: Chromodoris elegantula by Egidio Trainito. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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