Chromodoris elegantula from Turkey
May 30, 2005
From: Haluk Akbatur

Dear Bill:
I'd like you to help me with the identification of this nudibranch from Be_adalar (Five Islands), which is located in the extreme southwest of Turkey near the Finike.
I think the genus is Chromodoris but I couldn't find the species. At first sight it seems to be Chromodoris daphne, but its rhinophores and gills are uniform translucent white. I found it at about 48 meters on a reef. This is the first time I see this one. I couldn't find any other specimen on the dive.
Locality: Be_adalar (Five Islands), southwestern Turkey. Mediterranean.
Depth: 48 m. Length: 20 mm. 20 May 2005. Coral, algae and sea grass reef. Photographer: Haluk Akbatur.
Thank you for your help.
Haluk Akbatur
Akbatur, H.H., 2005 (May 30) Chromodoris elegantula from Turkey. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Haluk,
This is an interesting find. It is Chromodoris elegantula which was described from Sicily in 1844, and since then has only been rediscovered about 3 or 4 times (France, Italy, Malta). I discuss this a bit in the species Fact Sheet. I realise the chances of your seeing it again are not high, but if you, or anyone else, sees it again, it would be nice to know what its egg ribbon looks like. If you have other photos of this animal, could you have a look and see if it has red spots on its foot. I can't see then in the photos you have sent but other descriptions of C. elegantula mention them.
It is another good discovery
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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