Photos of Elysia atroviridis from Japan
June 19, 2005
From: Jun Imamoto

Dear Bill,
Following your request [message #14073], here are some photographs of Elysia atroviridis. I am happy for them to be included on the Forum for reference.
Locality: Echizen-coast, Wakasa Bay, Japan. Depth: 2 m. Length: Approx 8 mm. 2 Aug 2004. On Codiaceae kind. Photographer: Jun Imamoto
Best Regards,
Jun Imamoto

Dear Jun,
Thanks for these photos. It seems from these photos that there is at least one large whitish gland at the parapodial edge. In an earlier message Kathe Jensen mentioned she couldn't see large glands, which were characteristic of Elysia flavomacula in Koh's photos from Sth Korea. I have included a close-up alongside to show the characteristic filaments which extend from its food plant, Codium, and its relatives, to give the plant a furry appearance under water.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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