Elysia atroviridis
Baba, 1955
Superfamily: ELYSIOIDEA
Family: Elysiidae
Japan (except Hokkaido, Okinawa), South Korea.
Upper: Echizen-coast, Wakasa Bay, Japan. Depth: 2 m. Length: Approx 8 mm. 2 Aug 2004. On Codiaceae kind. Photographer: Jun Imamoto. Lower: Nagashima Beach, Kagoshima prefecture, southern Japan, Pacific Ocean. Depth: about 6-10 metres. Length: 15 mm. 4 March 2003. muddy sand. Photographer: Rie Nakano
Body varies from pale to dark translucent green, with black rhinophores which are paler, almost bluish black towards the base. Body, and outer surace of a parapodia covered in scattered small white spots of variable size. Border of parapodia with white line. Reported to feed exclusively on a species of the green alga Codium. Grows to approximately 30 mm.
From messages on the Forum from South Korea, it seems possible that Elysia flavomacula Jensen, 1990, is a colour variant with a bright yellow patch on the head. On the lower photo here on the Fact Sheet, there is a faint - but quite distinct - yellow patch.
This species is of particular interest as it was the subject of one of the earliest studies on solar powered sea slugs, with a detailed report by Kawaguti and Yamasu in 1965 demonstrating the presence of algal chloroplasts, not unicellular algae, in animal cells. Electron microscopy revealed that the green structures housed in the digestive cells of Elysia atroviridis were structurally identical to the chloroplasts in the green alga Codium fragile, upon which the sea slug was observed to feed.
- Baba, K. (1955). Opisthobranchia of Sagami Bay, Supplement. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
- Kawaguti, S. & Yamasu, T. (1965) Electron microscopy on the symbiosis between an elysioid gastropod and chloroplasts of a green alga. Biological Journal of Okayama University, 11: 57-65.
Rudman, W.B., 2005 (June 17) Elysia atroviridis Baba, 1955. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/elysatro
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