Elysia grandifolia? from Mediterranean Israel
September 22, 2005
From: Dan Firer

Hello Bill
My name is Dan, I took some photos of a slug near Naharyia, on the Mediterranean coast of Israel.
Locality: Nahariya, Israel. Mediterranean coast. Depth: 22 m. Length: 4 cm
17 September 2005. Photographer: Dan Firer
I saw a photo of this slug in an earlier message from Turkey [#5676 ]. I think my photo is a bit better in quality. I will send it to you so you can decide what to do with it.
Firer, D., 2005 (Sep 22) Elysia grandifolia? from Mediterranean Israel. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/14808Thanks Dan,
Your photo does show quite a bit more detail, and it looks like you also photographed its white spiral egg ribbon at the same time. As you will see from the on-going discussion, there is still a problem with the identity of this group of species [see message #5727]. Your animal to me looks like the one photographed in Turkey which I suspect may be Elysia grandifolia, but at present we don't know whether this 'form' is just a large sized Elysia ornata? It is certainly good to get another photo. Hopefully it will help the experts to sort this problem out. All I can say is I am pretty sure it is a Lessepsian migrant the Red Sea.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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