Favorinus branchialis from Italy
January 31, 2006
From: Giuseppe Mazza

Can you confirm this is Dicata odhneri?
Locality: Italy, Mediterranean. Photographer: Giuseppe Mazza
Giuseppe Mazza
Mazza, G., 2006 (Jan 31) Favorinus branchialis from Italy. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/15701Dear Giuseppe,
This is almost certainly Favorinus branchialis. Usually the rhinophores are darker in colour and there is a distinct swelling near the tip, but I think there is a hint of the swelling in your photo. Dicata odhneri usually has yellow tipped head tentacles. In future I would appreciate some more locality information, and if possible some indication of the size of any animals you photograph, In that way we can build up more information about the biology of these animals.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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