Re: Oxynoe viridis from East Timor
September 11, 2006
From: Brian Francisco

Concerning message #17473:
Hi Bill
After reading your comments about whether or not the Caulerpa sertularioides algae is "right for the species" of Oxynoe viridis, I went through my photo records and found another occurrence. These photos were taken about two weeks after my original entry and show an O. viridis once again on C. sertularioides, this time having just laid eggs (photos 1 and 2). I also found a record of O. viridis eggs having been laid on C. racemosa, located in the same sandy area (photo 3).
Locality: Tasi Tolu, 12 meters, East Timor, Banda Sea, 28 August 2006, sandy slope. Length: 15 mm. Photographer: Brian Francisco.
I suppose it's possible that O. viridis is feeding on neither of the Caulerpa species, but on some other algae growing on it.
Hurry back from vacation.

Dear Brian,
Sorry if my comment was a bit ambiguous. What I was doubtful about was whether my identification of the Caulerpa as C. sertularioides was correct. The shape of the 'branchlets' or individual 'leaves' didn't look quite right, but it does in your upper photo in this message, so I guess it's just me being overcautious.
I like your photo of an egg ribbbon nestled in the cup-like 'branchlet' of the other Caulerpa. The taxonomy of Caulerpa seem somewhat confused. This is probably one considered a form of C. racemosa (C. racemosa var peltata) or as a distinct species (C. peltata). I find the website Algaebase [] to be very useful, but its not a site for a quick browse, and as a 'work in progress' gives useful clues rather than quick answers.
Concerning what Oxynoe viridis feeds on. It seems to specialise on species of Caulerpa but has been recorded on a number of different species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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