Goniodoridella savignyi from Indonesia
October 29, 2008
From: Ann Clear

Hi Bill,
While diving in the Lembeh Straits, my dive guide pointed this little fellow out to me and and no idea of his name. I asume he is a juvenile, but of what? I have been unable to identify him at all. He was really tiny. Can you help please.
Locality: Lembeh Strait, 12 m, Indonesia, Molucca Sea, 13 October 2006, Rocky part of reef. Length: approx 5 mm. Photographer: Ann Clear.
Thank you.
Ann Clear
Clear, A, 2008 (Oct 29) Goniodoridella savignyi from Indonesia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/18972Dear Ann,
This interesting little animal doesn't grow very big so you were lucky to see him. It is Goniodoridella savignyi .
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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